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We believe the Bible, composed of 66 books to be the inspired Word of God. Without error in the original writings, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and that it has divine and final authority for the Christian faith and conduct.
2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:19-21; Hebrews 4:12; Romans 10:17; Psalms 119:105



We believe in one God, who eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who are co-equal, co-eternal and of one essence, yet having distinct personal functions.
John 10:30; Hebrews 1:8; Acts 5:3-4; Matthew 3:16-17; Deuteronomy 6:4



We believe in God the Father, an infinite, personal spirit. He is holy, perfect, and righteous. He is all-powerful, all knowing and ever-present. He spoke the universe into existence by the power of His Word. From creation to redemption, The Father has completed and is completing His work through the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Genesis 1:1; 1 John 4:7-12; 1 Timothy 6:15-16; Job 38, 39; Exodus 3



We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s one and only Son is fully God and fully man, conceived by the Holy Spirit. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles and teachings. He died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins according to the Scriptures. He arose bodily from the dead and ascended into heaven where, at the right hand of God the Father. He is our High Priest and Advocate in continuous intercession for His people. We believe in His certain, personal & visible return to earth.

Phil 2:5-11; Col 1:15-23; John 1:14; Gen 3:15; Isa 53



We believe in the Holy Spirit who came from the Father and Son to convict men of sin, righteousness and judgment. He regenerates the believing sinner and places them into the body of Christ by His baptism at the moment of salvation. He seals each believer unto the day of redemption. He indwells, guides, instructs and empowers the believer for godly living and service. He gives spiritual gifts to all believers to be used to serve and edify the church.

John 14:26; John 16:7-11; Gen 1:2; Rom 8:9-11; 1 Cor 2:12-15



We believe that mankind was created in the image of God but fell into sin. Therefore lost and separated from a relationship with God. With the exception of the man Christ Jesus, all human beings are born with a sinful nature and are sinners in thought, word and deed. Only through regeneration by the Holy Spirit can salvation and spiritual life be obtained.

Gen 1:26-27; Eph 2:10; Rom 3:23



We believe that all who repent of their sins and put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone as Savior are born of the Holy Spirit and thus become children of God. We are saved by God’s grace through faith, this is not

something we must earn; it is a free gift of God for those who will receive Christ.
We believe that the believer is eternally secure, and it is impossible for one born into the family of God ever to be lost. Once saved, he is kept saved forever because of the new birth brought about by the power of God, the indwelling and sealing of the Holy Spirit, and the intercession of Christ

John 1:12, John 14:6; Rom 6:23; Eph 2:8-9; John 1:29; Gen 3:15



We believe in the universal church, a living spiritual body of which Christ is the head. The true church is composed of all persons who are regenerated by the Holy Spirit through saving faith in Jesus Christ. We believe in the local church, consisting of a group of believers in Jesus Christ, baptized on a credible profession of faith. We believe in meeting together for worship, prayer, fellowship and service. We believe that the mission of the local church is to carry out the Great Commission into the world by proclaiming the gospel of Christ.

Matthew 28:16-20; 1 Corinthians 12:27; Colossians 1:18; Hebrews 10:24-25; Ephesians 4:11-16; 3:10



We believe water baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper are two ordinances to be observed and administered by the local church until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. They are, however, not to be regarded as means of salvation.
Romans 6:1-11; Matthew 3:13-17 & 26:26-29 & 28:19-20; 1 Corinthians 11:20-34



We believe that Christians should live for the glory of God and the well-being of others; that their conduct should be blameless before the world; that they should be faithful stewards of their possessions; and that they should seek to realize for themselves and others the full stature of maturity in Christ.
1 Corinthians 10:31; Psalm 16:9-11; Matthew 5:16; 1 Corinthians 15:58; Colossians 1:28 & 3:1-17



We believe that every human being is ultimately responsible to God alone in all matters in the practice of faith. That each church is independent and autonomous and will be subject to no other authority than God in its beliefs and practices of faith. We further believe that although church and state should be separate, the church shall always remain free to exercise its influence for biblical morals and ethics.

Romans 14:12; Proverbs 14:34; Mark 12:17; Acts 4:19; romans 13:1-2



We believe that local churches can promote the cause of Jesus Christ by cooperating with others of like faith. Such organizations exist and function by the will of the church. Cooperation in any organization is voluntary and may be terminated at any time.
1 Corinthians 12



We believe that Satan is a spirit being, a fallen angel, the first created being to sin; that he is the enemy of God and man and consciously strives to separate the two; and that he will suffer eternal, conscious punishment in the Lake of Fire.
Matthew 4:1-11; 1 Peter 5:8; 1 John 3:8; Revelation 20:1-10; 2 Corinthians 4:6



We believe in His certain, personal and visible return of our Lord Jesus Christ to earth and established His kingdom. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead and the final judgment. Believers will enjoy everlasting life and fellowship with the Lord and unbelievers will be judged and experience suffering and eternal separation from God.

Matthew 24:36-44; Revelation 21-22; James 4:13-14; Isaiah 65:17-18; Matthew 25:31-46

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